the #NOMADNOMORE vision:

Every human housed in the way that is most comfortable to them, surrounded by the community and resources they need to thrive.


  • 2.5 out of every 150 people in the US are homeless (but it's likely this number is even higher)

  • the US has never had enough beds to accommodate its homeless population

  • 1/3 of the US homeless population are children -- that’s 2.5 MILLION kids without homes

  • systemic issues, including the national housing shortage, Covid-era price gouging, and "The AirBnB Effect" are contributing to the homelessness epedemic in the United States and beyond


We’re seeking talented and generous folks to work with us in creating a resource for unhoused people. This is a labor-of-love passion project (aka unpaid/volunteer).

If you’re interested in volunteering your time, please contact Jeryn to discuss!

We’re looking for:

  • App developers
  • Researchers/data wizards
  • UX designer or app designers


the #NOMADNOMORE belief:

All humans are valuable and deserving of help. Period.


While the problems are many, the bottom line is, traditional solutions to ending homelessness haven't worked (or have had limited success).

Funding is limited and often exhausted immediately. Rural areas often lack the infrastructure or funding to create programs at all. Shelters and programs can be helpful to some parts of the homeless population, but exclude so many homeless people.

Many local and national programs for the unhoused are unintentionally ableist and classist. For example, many autistic people find shelters too overwhelming and dysregulating to take advantage of the services they offer. Some homelessness programs require you to undergo career training and money management courses. This assumes the person is bad with money and unemployed or unemployable, which is not the case for many unhoused people. Another example would be programs that require substance abuse treatment. This assumes homeless people are all addicts, which couldn't be farther from the truth.

These programs and shelters only address the symptoms, not the causes, of homelessness. They serve one specific type of homeless person, but are very little help for the rest.

We know that #HOUSINGFIRST works, but we need a new approach.

Results*: #NOMADNOMORE Survey of Formerly & Currently Homeless People







overwhelming/didn't know where to start

no availability/no room/

program ran out of funding

no response/call back

I don't qualify


My disability

"What prevents you from using services/programs?"**


lack of support

"What's the biggest barrier to getting housed?"**


lack of affordable housing in my area


bad credit


no/low income


are disabled and/or part of a marginalized community


have substance abuse problems or used while homeless


said help from family/friends was what ultimately got them housed


said they face homelessness in 2 months or less if they don't get help now

Employment status




infrequently employed (part-time, gig workers, etc.)



*Survey is ongoing. Results are accurate as of 7/23/2023. ** Question is multiple choice, will not total to 100.

the nomadic lifestyle isn't cool unless you've chosen it.

It isn't all Instagram chic. At least one million people will become homeless this year alone. Can you fit everything you own into a suitcase or trash bag? What do you leave, take, or pawn? That's the hard decision no one should ever have to make.


#NOMADNOMORE is different.

It isn't another organization or nonprofit. It's a movement of people who want to end homelessness. We're coming together to pool resources, ideas, and connections. We're creating a nationwide network of resources and efforts + mobilizing individuals to create change locally and nationally. Think of it as an open source solution to homelessness.

There are so many organizations and individuals who want to help the unhoused. From national non-profits to local churches, their hearts are in the right place, but their efforts are scattered.

NOMADNOMORE creates a safety net of resources and security for unhoused people. We connect neighbors, individuals, orgs, businesses, legislators and change makers to unite for the same cause: ending homelessness.

Together, we can end homelessness.


Speech Bubble

"In years with working with homeless women I've learned they need more than our encouragement and prayers. They need tangible help. Rides, basic needs like a shower, meal, and a place to wash their clothes. If we can even do that it would be a help. Not everyone can offer a room in their home, but we can all do something!"

Young Woman Avatar Block and Flat Style

Deana, PA

Deana and her family rented out a room in their home to help someone in need of housing. Small actions like this make a big difference!

Speech Bubble

"I think most people are so overwhelmed with their own lives, especially after the pandemic, that the idea of having anything left to give is too exhausting. But to be reminded that taking any action, no matter how big or small, can make a difference - that is something I know many of my friends and family can participate in. It takes a village to house a person and keep them housed. Working together is indeed the solution."

Young Woman Avatar Block and Flat Style

Rujuta, CA

Food Icon

Rujuta is a social worker who gives food and hygiene products to the homeless. That's her "big or small" action!

The #NOMADNOMORE difference

  • No money passes our hands.

  • We give you ideas and guidance to enact locally.

  • We organize efforts that anyone can participate in (think petitions, etc.)

  • We connect unhoused people with the people and resources who can help them.

  • You connect with people locally and nationally to create change.

  • We provide direction and awareness.

  • We amplify the voices of the unhoused, those experiencing housing insecurity, and those who are formerly homeless. We tell their stories.

  • There is no "guy" -- we're all the guy.

  • We inspire individuals to create solutions in their own communities through collaboration.

  • We believe in housing first, but that housing should suit the individual. Creativity is key.

  • Just as there is no one path to becoming homeless, there is no one path out. Solutions should be tailored to the individual.

  • We leverage the power of people to get stuff done.
dot connect

passionate individuals


ending homelessness

unhoused people

non-profits, national efforts

legislators, business owners, decision makers

social workers, advocates, etc.

churches, shelters, & local programs


(unless it's on the way home)

What does #NOMADNOMORE look like?

You and a friend get together and start a boarding house in your area.

You convince a local laundromat to provide free laundry services once a month.

A group of individuals partner with legislators to propose a bill.

Connecting with the leader of a national or local brand to donate land, unused food, structures, or reach.

Your church partners with several others to purchase a multi-family unit with affordable rent caps.

Introducing policies or initiatives at your workplace to help the homeless.

Your community purchases and zones land to use for unconventional housing/camping.

Volunteering your time, mind, and connections. Collaborating with others.

ACTION LIST (for starters)

  • Lobby for strict regulations on investors. Almost 30% of houses in the US are owned by investors, and that doesn't even include house-sharing. This pulls houses off the market that could be owned by people. We need limits for how many properties investors can own, and how many properties one individual can list on AirBnB.

  • Put rent caps on landlords. Landlords shouldn't be able to raise rent arbitrarily, or to take advantage of trying economic times. Landlords shouldn't be allowed to kick out people with little notice so they can sell in an advantageous market.

  • Create living wage legislation. Any basic money management course will tell you we should be spending no more than 30% of our monthly income on housing. Most landlords require that you make 3x the monthly rent. So a person's salary would need to be at least 3x the average rent for the area they live in, or the average salary required for home ownership in that area.

  • Force landlords to report on-time rent payments to credit bureaus. We're not even remotely getting credit for paying rent on time, but we lose everything when we can't pay and become homeless. If landlords are going to act like business owners and operate like business owners, they should be required to report to credit bureaus like other utility companies and businesses do.

  • Create a nationwide database of resources for homeless people. Connecting the unhoused with the resources they need, when they need them; laundry, housing, shelters, programs, professionals, showers, places to park or eat. (And no, 411 doesn’t cut it.)

  • Create more affordable housing options and expand all the different ways people can be housed. For example, federal tiny home laws & building codes. Right now only certain counties/states allow tiny homes, and they all have different rules. Repurpose derelict buildings. Bring back villages & communities. Bring back boarding houses! They worked for centuries, they can work again and provide a sense of community, to boot.

  • Housing YOUR way. Not everybody wants to be traditionally housed. There are some homeless people who would rather live outdoors, camping, in a tiny home, etc. We need to de-criminalize these ways of living and provide safe places people can live how they want to.

  • Regulate application fees. Some landlords make more money on application fees than they do rent. People can't afford to pay application fees for housing they may not even get.

  • Increase accessibility for disabled unhoused people and those facing housing insecurity. Many people, such as those wheelchair users or neurodivergent people, face challenges accessing homelessness services. We need to modify these ableist systems so that anyone can access them when they need them.

hotels weren't made for long term living.

Yet thousands of American hotels are filled with long-term guests. The housing crisis is pushing the "good" and "bad" apples all to the same place: hotels.

This leads to driven up hotel pricing, disgusting living spaces, unsafe conditions, crime, and more.

Children are living around sex trafficking and drug dealers, putting them in extreme danger.

America's kids deserve better.


A unified, housing-first, community-oriented approach is what is needed. For too long, we’ve let homeless people be in this by themselves. (I myself have been guilty.) But no more.

No More Nomads. NomadNoMore.


Isolated Communication Bubble Icon Flat Design

Are you currently or formerly homeless?

Sharing our stories is how we break the stigma surrounding homelessness. People need to know the truth.

They need to see that homelessness looks like you and me.

By sharing your story, you are changing the narrative about homelessness. You're reclaiming the conversation.

It's a privilege to hear your story and we don't take it lightly. Thank you for trusting us.

the #NOMADNOMORE podcast

Real humans. Real stories.

(coming soon!)